4 Habits to Drop Now to Lower Your Risk of Periodontal Disease

Gum disease (periodontal disease) is the most common oral health concern in the country. When patients come in for full-mouth restoration in Scottsdale, AZ, they often have problems with gum disease that have contributed to issues with their teeth. Many everyday habits can heighten your risk for gum disease. However, making changes now can make a difference. Take a look at four habits to consider changing to support your periodontal health.

1. Not Hydrating Properly

There is actually a strong correlation between how much water you drink and your risk for gum disease. Studies have found that for every one cup less of water intake a day, the risk of gum disease went up. Water flushes away the harmful bacteria that can accumulate around your teeth and gums. Therefore, if you’re not drinking enough water, you could inadvertently be elevating your risks.

2. Skipping the Floss

Flossing is well-known to deter plaque and tartar buildup on the teeth, but a lot of people neglect to floss. It is easy to assume that brushing should be enough, but food particles get lodged between the teeth that a toothbrush just won’t reach.

3. Smoking

People at smoke have an excessively high rate of gum disease. This is because smoking elevates the temperature of the oral cavity, which encourages the growth of harmful bacteria. Therefore, protecting your oral health is one more good reason to drop the habit.

4. Eating Hard Candy Regularly

Hard candy is often a go-to for people looking to keep the mouth feeling fresh or simply get a little sugar boost between meals. However, hard candy can be really hard on your teeth and gums. Because the candy stays in your mouth for so long, the sugar feeds the bacteria that create plaque and contribute to gum disease.

Talk to a Scottsdale Dentist About Gum Disease

One of the best things you can do for your oral health is to take care of your gums. Working with a Scottsdale, AZ dentist to keep your gum health in check is ever-important. Reach out to us at the office of Dr. Pete N. Mellas, DMD to schedule an appointment.

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