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Why Do My Gums Have Pus?

If you notice a discharge of pus from your gums, it can be unsettling and cause for concern. Pus is a sign of infection, and in the context of oral health, it may point to a condition known as gum disease or periodontal disease, which affects the gums and surrounding tissues and needs to be treated by a periodontist in Scottsdale, AZ.

Understanding Gum Disease and Its Causes

Gum disease results from bacteria in plaque, a sticky film that accumulates on your teeth. When plaque is not consistently removed through brushing and flossing, it can harden into tartar, which can only be removed by a dental professional. A buildup of tartar can cause inflammation and infection in the gums.

Common Symptoms of Gum Disease

One of the most frequent signs of gum disease is bleeding gums, which may occur while brushing or flossing, or may happen spontaneously. Other symptoms include swollen or red gums, persistent bad breath, and receding gums.

Progression and Consequences of Untreated Gum Disease

If gum disease is not addressed, it can develop into more severe stages. In advanced cases, you may experience discomfort, loose teeth, and even tooth loss. This happens because gum disease not only affects the gums but can also damage the bones and tissues supporting your teeth.

The Significance of Pus in Gums

The appearance of pus in the gums indicates that the infection has advanced. Pus is a thick, yellowish or greenish substance that can be painful and may result in a foul taste in your mouth. If you observe pus coming from your gums, it is vital to consult your periodontist promptly.

Gum Disease Treatment Options

Treatment for gum disease depends on the severity of the condition. In milder cases, enhancing oral hygiene practices, such as regular brushing and flossing, may be sufficient. In more advanced situations, a deep cleaning procedure, known as scaling and root planing, may be required. Antibiotics might also be prescribed to fight the infection.

Maintaining optimal oral health is crucial for preventing gum disease. This involves routine dental check-ups and cleanings, daily brushing and flossing, and abstaining from tobacco products. If you detect any symptoms of gum disease in Scottsdale, AZ, like bleeding or pus, it’s essential not to ignore them. Schedule an appointment with us now.