When and Why Is Bone and Soft Tissue Grafting Necessary?

If your periodontist in Scottsdale, AZ, has recommended bone and soft tissue grafting, you’re probably wondering what that means. So let’s take a moment to go over bone and soft tissue grafting in detail.

What Is Bone and Soft Tissue Grafting?

Bone and soft tissue grafting are performed to restore the tissues in your mouth back to as close to their previous condition as possible after you have lost a tooth, experienced gum disease, or any type of dental trauma.

With bone and soft tissue grafting, soft tissue grafts are taken from other areas and then surgically implanted into the affected area. This procedure is designed to help stop bone loss, gum recession, and reduce root sensitivity and pain. Bone grafting is frequently used for bridge work and dental implants.

When Is Bone Grafting Necessary?

Bone grafting could be required to stabilize your jaw. This procedure helps restore your jaw’s foundation in preparation for implant surgery or some other type of restorative surgery. Bone grafting is also used to prevent or limit bone recession after you’ve had a tooth pulled, had periodontal disease, or other type of invasive issue.

What Causes Jawbone Volume Issues?

Any of the following can cause jawbone volume issues that could create the need for bone and soft tissue grafting in Scottsdale, AZ.

  • Periodontal disease
  • Oral injury
  • Oral infections
  • Tooth extractions

The Different Bone and Soft Tissue Grafting Treatments

Here are the different types of bone and soft tissue grafting treatments.

  • Ridge augmentation

Ridge augmentation is a complex form of bone grafting. This is used when the alveolar ridge bone that surrounds and supports your teeth starts to deteriorate or lose density. A ridge augmentation is used to heighten or widen your jaw to increase bone density so you can have dental implants placed.

  • Soft tissue grafts

Advanced gum disease and other oral abnormalities that can’t be treated with nonsurgical options or using periodontic methods might require the use of soft tissue grafts to stop any bone loss or the recession of your gums.

  • Sinus lifts

Dental implants are nearly impossible if you lose a tooth in your upper jaw because there isn’t enough bone available due to the open space above your upper jaw and sinus cavity. When this occurs, your oral surgeon will do a sinus lift procedure. This requires the surgeon to enter your sinus cavity and lift up your sinus membrane. A bone graft will then be placed below the raised membrane. It will naturally integrate with the bone over time. Once that happens, your dental implants can be placed.

Do You Need a Dentist in Scottsdale, AZ?

If you need a periodontist in Scottsdale, AZ, please Contact Dr. Pete Mellas today. We provide comprehensive dental care and treatment planning through the use of restorative and cosmetic dentistry. Our friendly team and relaxing environment will provide you with ongoing positive dental experiences for all your oral care needs.