How Long Will My Mouth Hurt After Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

It’s normal to be nervous about any type of tooth extraction, especially if this is the first time having one. We’ll look at how long your mouth will hurt after wisdom tooth extraction in Scottsdale, AZ, and what you can do on your end to speed it along.

Normal Pain

To be told that your pain is normal is not meant to diminish it, only to let you know that your body is reacting the way it should be after the extraction. No matter what type of extraction you have, there’s going to be some degree of stress on the body. Pain around the extraction site will go away as you heal. You’ll feel it the most a few hours after the procedure, and you can help manage the pain with medications like Tylenol.

How Long Does the Wisdom Tooth Discomfort Last?

If your procedure was relatively minor, you can expect to go back to normal after just a few days. In the most complicated of cases, you might still be experiencing discomfort after two weeks. As a general rule, as long as the pain is getting better every day, you’re likely on the right track. In the meantime, it’s important that you take the recommendations of the dentist seriously. This means giving your body enough rest, eating foods that won’t overstress your mouth, or using ice packs to reduce swelling.

When to Call a Dentist in Scottsdale, AZ

It’s time to call if you’re exhibiting signs that the procedure went wrong. Typically, this will mean that you have an infection or nerve damage, which can manifest in anything from fever to numbness. If you have excessive bleeding that won’t stop, your swelling is getting worse, or your pain isn’t going away with painkillers, it might be time to call a dentist in Scottsdale, AZ.

If you’re nervous about your wisdom tooth extraction, the staff of Dr. Pete N. Mellas, DMD is here to answer all of your questions. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to eliminate all of the risks that come with this procedure, but it is possible to reduce negative reactions when you pick the right team. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.