Signs You Might Need a Tooth Extraction

No one wants to have a tooth pulled. Unlike lobsters, your body isn’t going to be regrowing anything that you’ve lost. Obviously, the best plan is to take care of the teeth you have, so no tooth extraction in Scottsdale, AZ is ever necessary. Still, even the best plans go awry sometimes, in which case, you might end up in a situation where a tooth extraction is your best bet. Here are some signs that you might end up in that boat.

Severe Tooth Pain

Is a heating pad or ice pack your new best friend? Persistent, intense tooth pain is a common indicator that something is wrong. In some cases, the tooth may be too decayed or damaged to be saved, and extraction may be necessary to prevent further complications and alleviate the pain.

Extensive Tooth Decay or Damage

When decay reaches deep into the tooth’s pulp, causing irreversible damage, other treatments may no longer be effective. In these cases, removing the tooth can prevent the infection from spreading to neighboring teeth or the jawbone.

Gum Disease

Periodontitis can cause significant damage to the gums and the bone supporting your teeth. If a tooth becomes loose due to extensive bone loss or gum recession, extraction may be necessary to preserve your oral health and prevent the progression of the disease. At this point, you may even be thankful that you can finally wave goodbye to the problematic tooth!


You might just have too many teeth for your mouth, too. Extracting one or more teeth can create the space needed for proper alignment, helping to achieve a straighter smile.

Impacted or Infected Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth are commonly removed when they become impacted or cause infection. Impacted teeth can lead to swelling, pain, and damage to neighboring teeth. If a wisdom tooth is unable to fully emerge from the gum, extraction may be necessary to avoid these complications.

If you’re experiencing any of these signs, don’t delay the inevitable. You might not be able to regrow your tooth like a gecko regrows its tail, but there are restorative treatments available. Consult with your periodontist in Scottsdale, AZ to determine if a tooth extraction is the best option for your dental health.

5 Times Tooth Extraction May be Needed

The number one goal of dental professionals is to preserve the patient’s natural teeth. And there are more treatments than ever available to do just that. However, depending upon the circumstances, tooth extraction in Scottsdale, AZ, may be needed. In any event, your dentist will always inform you ahead of time about what to expect. Here are 5 times tooth extraction may be needed.

Periodontal Disease

Periodontal disease develops over a long period of time. But if you don’t have regular dentist visits, what amounts to a case of plaque build-up can end up costing you one or more natural teeth. If periodontal disease exists, the chances are high that your dentist may need to extra a tooth.

Impacted Tooth

In some instances, a person develops an impacted tooth. This often happens when there isn’t sufficient room for a tooth to erupt above the gum line. Mostly, this happens with wisdom teeth, although there are some instances where it occurs with other molars. If you have a situation like this, there’s a chance that your dentist may have to extract the tooth.

Upcoming Orthodontic Treatment

If you are going to be getting orthodontic treatment, the orthodontist wants to ensure that new teeth aren’t going to ruin the results down the line. For example, after wearing braces for two years, you don’t want wisdom teeth to grow in and put teeth out of alignment again. Often, a tooth extraction may be needed in order to help ensure that orthodontic treatment isn’t hindered.

Preparation For Dentures

For patients who need full or partial dentures, tooth extraction might be necessary to remove any remaining unhealthy teeth. This ensures that the dentures fit properly and function effectively.

Severe Tooth Decay

When tooth decay progresses beyond the point where it can be treated with fillings or root canals, extraction might be the only option. Severe decay can destroy the tooth structure, making it impossible to restore the tooth to its normal function. In such cases, removing the decayed tooth can prevent the spread of infection to neighboring teeth and gums.

For optimal dental health, visit your periodontist in Scottsdale, AZ on a regular basis. Contact us today to book your next appointment.

How Long Will My Mouth Hurt After Wisdom Tooth Extraction?

It’s normal to be nervous about any type of tooth extraction, especially if this is the first time having one. We’ll look at how long your mouth will hurt after wisdom tooth extraction in Scottsdale, AZ, and what you can do on your end to speed it along.

Normal Pain

To be told that your pain is normal is not meant to diminish it, only to let you know that your body is reacting the way it should be after the extraction. No matter what type of extraction you have, there’s going to be some degree of stress on the body. Pain around the extraction site will go away as you heal. You’ll feel it the most a few hours after the procedure, and you can help manage the pain with medications like Tylenol.

How Long Does the Wisdom Tooth Discomfort Last?

If your procedure was relatively minor, you can expect to go back to normal after just a few days. In the most complicated of cases, you might still be experiencing discomfort after two weeks. As a general rule, as long as the pain is getting better every day, you’re likely on the right track. In the meantime, it’s important that you take the recommendations of the dentist seriously. This means giving your body enough rest, eating foods that won’t overstress your mouth, or using ice packs to reduce swelling.

When to Call a Dentist in Scottsdale, AZ

It’s time to call if you’re exhibiting signs that the procedure went wrong. Typically, this will mean that you have an infection or nerve damage, which can manifest in anything from fever to numbness. If you have excessive bleeding that won’t stop, your swelling is getting worse, or your pain isn’t going away with painkillers, it might be time to call a dentist in Scottsdale, AZ.

If you’re nervous about your wisdom tooth extraction, the staff of Dr. Pete N. Mellas, DMD is here to answer all of your questions. Unfortunately, it’s impossible to eliminate all of the risks that come with this procedure, but it is possible to reduce negative reactions when you pick the right team. Contact us today to learn more about how we can help.


Getting a Tooth Extraction? What to Expect

Getting a tooth extraction can be a stressful experience – especially if you’re not sure what to expect. Before you go to the dentist in Scottsdale, AZ for a tooth extraction, you should learn more about what happens during this kind of procedure. In this article, we’ll give you information that can help set expectations for your upcoming tooth extraction. Here’s what you need to know.

Who Needs a Tooth Extraction?

You may need a tooth extraction if your tooth is badly infected and cannot be repaired with a root canal, or if your tooth is badly damaged and cannot be repaired with a crown or filling. Your dentist will likely not suggest a tooth extraction if a crown or filling could help instead. Tooth extraction is usually a last resort, as a missing tooth can cause other teeth to shift in the mouth.

Tooth Extraction Procedure

There are multiple ways that a dentist can proceed with a tooth extraction. A simple extraction proceeds as follows: the dentist will numb the area, use a tool (called an elevator) to loosen the tooth, then use forceps to remove the tooth.

The other way to remove a tooth is a surgical extraction. With this type of procedure, sedation is used to make the patient sleep while the procedure is underway. The dentist removes cuts into the connective tissues around the tooth, and removes the tooth surgically. Sometimes, surgical removal requires the tooth to be fragmented in order to be removed. Your dentist will tell you which type of extraction is best for your situation.

After the Procedure

After the procedure, your dentist will give you instructions for healing and care of the site. Your dentist will suggest a special diet in the hours immediately following the procedure, and will also give you instructions for pain management and to help aid healing of the wound. Follow these instructions carefully. Healing can take a few days. During that time, you may need to take off from work.

Have more questions about what to expect during a tooth extraction in Scottsdale, AZ? Call Dr. Pete N. Mellas, DMD. We have answers to your questions!