Can I Drive Home After Sedation Dentistry?

Generally, you’re advised not to drive home after sedation dentistry. Of course, everyone is impacted differently by the treatment, which is why sometimes it’s a non-negotiable and other times it’s a suggestion. If you’re interested in sedation dentistry in Scottsdale, AZ, we’ll look more at how the procedure works and what you’re likely to experience regarding the appointment.

What Is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry is a procedure that can help you through both physical and emotional discomfort when you visit the dentist. Common treatments include nitrous oxide and general anesthetics, which can help you feel calmer from start to finish.

Who Should Get Sedation Dentistry?

Typically, you should sign up for sedation dentistry in Scottsdale, AZ if you fear the dentist. People may avoid the dentist for years because it makes them uncomfortable, which can lead to anything from tooth decay to deadly infections. If you need extra help to make it to the dentist, you should explore how sedation dentistry can help.

It’s not unusual to be afraid of the dentist, particularly if you’ve had poor experiences in the past. If you’re letting it stand in the way of treatments though, you could be risking more than just your oral health.

Can I Drive Home?

If you’re getting local anesthesia, meaning only one area of the mouth becomes numb, you won’t need someone to drive you home. For everything else, it’s important to talk to your dentist about your treatment plan. They can help you answer whether you need someone to come with you and, if so, when you can leave the office.

Is Sedation Dentistry Safe in Scottsdale?

Yes. While there are always potential complications with nearly every procedure, they are extremely rare in sedation dentistry. Treatments like nitrous oxide have been around for many decades, giving healthcare professionals across the board time to assess and evaluate everything from dosage to distribution methods.

If you’re looking for a dental team that can help you learn more about sedation, contact Dr. Pete N. Mellas, DMD and his staff to learn more about how we give our patients total peace of mind.