Signs of Gum Disease You Shouldn’t Ignore

Gum disease is a challenge faced by a large number of Americans. The CDC estimates that four out of every 10 Americans has at least some type of gum disease. Whether you’re suffering from gingivitis or periodontitis, gum disease is not a problem you should ignore. Dr. Mellas, your Scottsdale periodontist, wants you to know common signs of gum disease so you can seek treatment early.

Red or Swollen Gums

One of the first signs most people experience when they develop gum disease is red or swollen gums. While irritations can occur that inflame the gum tissue temporarily, if you seem to have a chronic issue, then it’s time to get a checkup from your local dentist. If your dentist confirms gum disease, then schedule an appointment with a periodontist for specialty care to treat the disease before it progresses.

Sensitive or Loose Teeth

You may not connect tooth sensitivity or loose teeth to your gums, but gum disease can cause irritation to the teeth. The inflamed gum tissue can irritate the teeth, and the tartar that builds up on the teeth when you have gum disease can weaken them or contribute to decay. Any time you have sensitive or loose teeth, you should see the dentist but know that gum disease could be an underlying cause.

Bleeding Gums

Do your gums frequently bleed when you eat or floss? If you’re experiencing this, you may also be suffering from gum disease. The irritation from tartar and bacteria causes inflammation, and inflamed tissue can bleed when irritated. Periodontitis treatment in Scottsdale can bring you relief.

Receding Gums

If you notice that your gums are pulling away from your teeth, or if your dentist mentioned “receding gumline” at your next visit, gum disease may be at play. When the gum tissue gets inflamed, it can start to pull away from the teeth, leaving the sensitive lower areas of the teeth exposed. This process also weakens the strength of your teeth.

If you’re noticing any of these concerns, don’t delay. Talk to your dentist about gum disease. If you know you have gum disease, make an appointment with Dr. Mellas today for periodontitis treatment to start healing your mouth before the periodontal disease progresses.