Getting a Tooth Extraction? What to Expect
Getting a tooth extraction can be a stressful experience – especially if you’re not sure what to expect. Before you go to the dentist in Scottsdale, AZ for a tooth extraction, you should learn more about what happens during this kind of procedure. In this article, we’ll give you information that can help set expectations for your upcoming tooth extraction. Here’s what you need to know.
Who Needs a Tooth Extraction?
You may need a tooth extraction if your tooth is badly infected and cannot be repaired with a root canal, or if your tooth is badly damaged and cannot be repaired with a crown or filling. Your dentist will likely not suggest a tooth extraction if a crown or filling could help instead. Tooth extraction is usually a last resort, as a missing tooth can cause other teeth to shift in the mouth.
Tooth Extraction Procedure
There are multiple ways that a dentist can proceed with a tooth extraction. A simple extraction proceeds as follows: the dentist will numb the area, use a tool (called an elevator) to loosen the tooth, then use forceps to remove the tooth.
The other way to remove a tooth is a surgical extraction. With this type of procedure, sedation is used to make the patient sleep while the procedure is underway. The dentist removes cuts into the connective tissues around the tooth, and removes the tooth surgically. Sometimes, surgical removal requires the tooth to be fragmented in order to be removed. Your dentist will tell you which type of extraction is best for your situation.
After the Procedure
After the procedure, your dentist will give you instructions for healing and care of the site. Your dentist will suggest a special diet in the hours immediately following the procedure, and will also give you instructions for pain management and to help aid healing of the wound. Follow these instructions carefully. Healing can take a few days. During that time, you may need to take off from work.
Have more questions about what to expect during a tooth extraction in Scottsdale, AZ? Call Dr. Pete N. Mellas, DMD. We have answers to your questions!